The Trump Media & Technology Group is preparing to launch its new TRUTH Social iOS app on February 21st, 2022.
During a press conference with CNN President Trump (45 & 47) when asked about the new TRUTH Social iOS app and its capabilities responded, “We want those interested in the whole truth and nothing but the truth to download our new iOS app. We have many features to help those who have been banned from Twitter and Facebook, present company included, to have a voice.”
Trump added, “Our market research of everyday hard working Americans found that many are ’emoji confused’. So we have decided to add to our TRUTH Social iOS app ‘TRUTH Emojis’. These emojis will eliminate some of the ’emoji confusion’ that is rampant on failed social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.”
Devin Nunes, CEO of TRUTH Social, noted, “We at TRUTH Social will have emojis that are based upon science and the truth. For example we will have a male (XY) emoji and a female (XX) emoji. We will also have a God emoji and Jesus (JC) emoji. We have been warned by the Taliban not to have a Mohammed emoji as this is blasphemy and we will be beheaded by the religion of peace.”
“We will have emojis for those who preach the Old and New Testament, for example our rabbi emoji.” Nunes explained.
Nunes noted, “Americans want the truth and that includes emojis that aren’t confusing and truly represent what Americans believe in such as our U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and American flag emojis.”
After the press conference there was much consternation and animated discussion by the CNN team about the TRUTH Emojis. One CNN reporter was heard calling the TRUTH Emojis, “racist, white supremist, homophobic and Islamophobic.”
Trump responded with, “See you in 2024.”
EDITOR NOTE: This political satire column by is published tongue in cheek. For those who are emoji confused we hope you aren’t confused anymore. ©All rights reserved.
The post Trump Media & Technology Group Announces Launch of ‘TRUTH Emojis’ appeared first on Dr. Rich Swier.